In order to specify HTTP Status Code in Spring API Endpoint’s response, there seem to exist multiple options and workarounds.

Listed 2 workarounds are the ones that I found to be straightforward to implement.

  • Return ResponseEntity
  • Throw ResponseStatusException

Return ResponseEntity.

The ResponseEntity from org.springframework.http was an amazing find. With ResponseEntity, we can add or modify multiple metadata of the response we wish to send.


import org.springframework.http.ResponseEntity;
public ResponseEntity<?> deleteBlock(@RequestBody Block block) {
    Boolean blockDeleted = blockService.deleteBlock(block);

    Map<String, Object> response = new HashMap<>();
    response.put("error", !blockDeleted);
    response.put("message", blockDeleted ? 
        "Successfully deleted the block -> {}".formatted(block) : 
        "Failed to delete the block.");

    return ResponseEntity.status(blockDeleted ? 
        HttpStatus.OK : 

Throw ResponseStatusException.

The ResponseStatusException from org.springframework.web.server is another simple alternative depending on the use-case but for me, simply to modify the HTTP Status Code, I found ResponseStatusException to be equally simple.


import org.springframework.web.server.ResponseStatusException;
public Map<String, Object> registerBlock(@RequestBody Block block) {
    Boolean blockRegistered = blockService.addblock(block);

    Map<String, Object> response = new HashMap<>();
    response.put("error", !blockRegistered);
    response.put("message", blockRegistered ? 
        "Successfully saved the block information." : 
        "Failed to save the new block in the database.");

    if (!blockRegistered) {
        throw new ResponseStatusException(
            "Block with the email {} already exists.".formatted(

    return response;
