The purpose of this page is to provide and attribute all the developers, companies, and/or organization for their amazing work that I used or currently using to design and develop this website.

  1. Netlify for managing my domain and providing an amazing static-site hosting.
  2. Jekyll for developing this amazing static-site blogging platform.
  3. Google Fonts for providing awesome collection of web-fonts.
  4. Javascript & jQuery, too awesome to describe.
  5. FontAwesome for providing an amazing set of font icons that I could use with ease.
  6. jekyll-paginate-v2 for awesome headache-less pagination.
  7. Lightcase for awesome image zoom in-out view.
  8. Lozad.js for helping lazy load images.
  9. Updown for being a great uptime tracker with notification system.
  10. for the animated loading icons with Free License.
  11. Pygments Syntax Highlighting themes for Robotdark theme.